Somerset combines world-leading expertise with innovative technologies
to deliver sustainable tailings management, resource recovery from tailings, increased processing plant yield and enhanced environmental outcomes.
We are globally recognized leaders in mineral handling and processing, with decades of experience in the North American, Australian, and Canadian resources industries. Our global team has a diverse skills base including design, project implementation, operations and plant optimisation.
Mineral Processing from Tailings Waste
Since 2016, Somerset has installed tailings management treatment systems in more than 20 locations across USA, Canada, and Australia.
The benefits include:
Positive Environmental Impact
- The Sub325® system materially reduces the volume of tailings waste.
- The Sub325® system recovers 95% or more of the mineral fines contained in the mining waste stream.
- The Sub325® system enables dry disposal of dewatered tailings for sustainable tailings solutions.
Enhanced Profitability of Operations
- Mineral recovery provides a key value stream and maximises resource recovery.
No Upfront Costs, Maintenance or Capital Expenditures
- Somerset supplies the Sub325® system as well as on-going operations and maintenance.
Dry Stack Tailings Management
Somerset's new patent-pending technology (Dry Stack Tailings Management) has been developed for the cost-effective treatment of tailings/waste streams.
The benefits of Dry stack Tailings Management include treatment of “wet” tailings for safe, cost effective and environmentally sound management and ability to recycle water. Dry tailings management offers the benefit of safer operations without the need for tailings dams.